
Identifying a Hen Harrier

Whilst hen harriers are now a rare sight in most paces in the UK, there are still a few areas where you can see them. As well as being able to catch a glimpse of these special birds and their acrobatic skydancing, getting outside is good for us mentally and physically.

A lone male Hen Harrier perched on the end of a pointed tree branch and staring over its territory.
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In the spring and summer months, hen harriers can be seen in the hills looking for mates and nesting sites in heather moorland. These hills and heather moorlands, also known as uplands, cover over a third of the UK and are important for drinking water, carbon storage in peat and soils and support some of our most threatened wildlife.

In the winter Hen Harriers can be found in a variety of habitats including moorland, farmland, grasslands and wetlands. Take a look at our Hen Harrier species page to learn more about these beautiful birds.

A female Hen Harrier swoops across a green landscape.

All Hen Harriers have yellow legs, a hooked back beak, and fly with their wings in a shallow “V”. They glide low to search for their prey: small birds such as Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and young Grouse, and small mammals such as Voles.

The Hen Harrier has many nicknames – one of the most common is "ghost of the moor" and it is easy to see why. The male hen harrier has pale grey plumage, a white rump (rear end) and back-tipped wings.


Female and juvenile Hen Harriers, also known as “Ringtails”, both look very similar, with brown on top, checkerboard brown and beige underwings, a white rump and a bearded tail. However, females are larger than males at 400-600g, compared to 300-400g. They’re smaller than Buzzards, but larger than Crows.

You may see a Ringtail bird skydancing. This is probably a male juvenile practising courtship behaviour. It is not until the juvenile male’s second or third summer that they get their distinctive grey plumage.

A female Hen Harrier in mid-flight.

Similar species

A lone Common Buzzard perched on lichen covered rock
Common Buzzard
You may also spot these medium-sized birds of prey in the uplands. Their banded tail and variation in plumage colouring, from dark to paler brown, and similar size means they can easily be mistaken for Hen Harriers. Look out for rounded wing tips and lack of distinctive barring on their underwings. Buzzards can be found in a range of habitats, including farmland and woodland.
A flock of Lapwing in flight, against a dusk blue sky
Lapwings are found on farmland across the UK, particularly in lowland areas of northern England, the Borders and eastern Scotland. They have a deep elastic wingbeat in flight, but like Hen Harriers, they’re fast flyers with aerobatic displays. Lapwings are smaller than Hen Harriers, with dark upper sides on their angular wings.
Short-eared Owl perched on a branch.
Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Unlike most other Owls, Short-eared Owls are active during the day. They tend to fly low over the uplands, as well as grasslands and saltmarshes. They are a similar size to Barn Owls, but with stiffer wings, and nest on the ground, in hollows lined with grass and feathers. The distinctive yellow eyes and cream to brown plumage are similar to Hen Harriers. Short-eared Owls can be identified by dark mascara around their eyes, and a mottled sandy-buff top.

Go see a Hen Harrier

Whilst Hen Harriers are now a rare sight in most places in the UK, there are still a few areas where you can see them. As well as being able to catch a glimpse of these special birds and their acrobatic skydancing, getting outside is good for us mentally and physically.

Check out our page on how to spot Hen Harrier in the UK

A group of people birdwatching through a telescope with an RSPB staff member using binoculars.

Spread the word

Adding your voice will help increase the impact, raise more awareness and drive change.

The voices calling for change are getting louder, and the more of us who voice our outrage at the illegal killing of Hen Harriers, the more likely we are to bring about change. Self-regulation of driven Grouse moors has not worked, so we want the UK's governments to introduce a system of licensing.

Speak to people face-to-face. Write to your local government representatives. Show your support by attending bird of prey events. Join the movement calling for action to protect Hen Harriers.

Speak out

If you live or work in a rural community and have information about people illegally targeting birds of prey, call us in confidence.

The RSPB’s Raptor Crime Hotline (0300 999 0101) allows you to speak confidentially and anonymously.

Seen a Hen Harrier?

The date, time, and location of the sighting (with a grid reference if possible, or what3words reference), plus a description of the bird will help us to track rare Hen Harriers and inform our conservation work.

Email us your sighting: