
⚠ Our café is undergoing renovations, but you can still sit down and enjoy hot & cold drinks, sandwiches, pastries, cakes and ice-cream from our Welcome Hub. We hope to resume a regular service from our newly updated café in July. ⚠

Tucked on the north coast of Norfolk, between the villages of Titchwell and Thornham, Titchwell Marsh is blessed with diverse habitats. Explore reedbeds, saltmarsh and freshwater lagoons where Avocets, Bearded Tits and Marsh Harriers nest. There's also a wide sandy beach here.

An easy walk leads from the car park through woodland glades to the Visitor Centre and Cafe. From here, the West Bank path opens up to wild landscapes of saltmarsh, reedbeds and freshwater lagoons fed by a natural spring and on to Titchwell's vast and undeveloped beach. The East Trail lends itself to quiet contemplation with outlooks across quiet pools full of wildlife. Secluded seating set amid vistas of wildflowers and yellow Gorse affords views of birds of prey scanning reedbeds and saltmarsh for prey.

Remnants of a prehistoric age and a time when the Norfolk coast formed part of Britain's sea defences can be seen sporadically across the reserve and form the boundary of Titchwell's seascape.

Download our trail map, to help you plan your visit.

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