The projects are working. Breeding pairs of Wessex Stone-curlew have increased from around 30 in 1985 to approximately 120 confirmed breeding pairs today – this includes estimates for un-monitored sites. In 2024, 70% of all confirmed Stone-curlew breeding attempts in Wessex were on specially created nesting plots funded through government agri-environment schemes. And 90% of all young fledged last year were from areas of these specially created nesting plots.
There’s also been a success in eastern England, where breeding pairs increased from fewer than 100 in 1985 to approximately 226 breeding pairs in 2024 (again, including estimates for un-monitored sites).
The numbers may not seem huge, but Stone-curlews lay a maximum of two eggs and only have one to two broods per year. This means populations grow slowly and they’re vulnerable to change. It is now estimated that there are nearly 350 breeding Stone-curlew pairs nationally. This compares with around 150 back in 1985.
The rise in numbers has only been possible thanks to committed farmers, like Rachel, a farmer supporting the Wessex Stone-curlew Project. She said: “Ever since I was a girl, we have been lucky enough to have these nesting birds on the farm but with the experience and monitoring of the farm we have moved into the position to being a net exporter of Stone-curlews into the surrounding landscape. This is a fabulous legacy to be able to share with my daughter. Knowing that the next generation will be inspired to continue to farm in a way that allows nature to thrive as well as put good quality food on the table is great.”