
Stone-curlew numbers more than double thanks to 40 years of effort

Discover how projects working with farmers and others are bringing these birds back from the brink

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A pair Stone-curlews.
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England’s oddest bird? 

They’re probably the strangest-looking bird in England, but they’re also one of the rarest. The googly-eyed Stone-curlew was once a more common spring and summer visitor to England, seen on sandy heaths and well-grazed fields from Yorkshire to Dorset. But by 1985 both their numbers and range had shrunk dramatically, and only around 150 pairs remained. These were found mainly in Wessex (which covers Wiltshire, Hampshire, Berkshire, and Oxfordshire) and the Norfolk and Suffolk Brecklands, known as the Brecks.

Picky nesters 

The reason for the rapid decline of Stone-curlews was the disappearance of places for them to nest. You see, Stone-curlew won’t just nest anywhere – they are pretty picky when it comes to choosing a site. They like light, free-draining soils, such as chalk downland, sandy heaths and farmland where there’s a good supply of insects to eat. Their first preference was downland and heathland, but as this began to disappear, they were forced onto suitable arable fields where nests and chicks were at risk from machinery. The risks increased further as farming became more intensified and shifted away from mixed styles of farming. With the use of pesticides rising over the years, it also meant there were fewer insects for them and their chicks to eat.   

Stone curlew amongst the lavender at Summerdown Farm.

The Stone-curlew comeback

Something had to be done. So 40 years ago, two projects were started to give Stone-curlews a fighting chance of a comeback. These were the RSPB Wessex Stone-curlew Project, and the RSPB Eastern England Stone-curlew Project, in partnership with Natural England (formally English Nature). The teams soon got to work building strong relationships with local farmers, gamekeepers and landowners to see how they could work together to help protect Stone-curlew nests.  With Government-funded support, this led to the creation of special nesting plots within arable land where eggs and chicks are kept safely away from disturbance.  

Stone-curlew plot cultivation at RSPB Winterbourne Downs.

Now there are 207 farms and other landowners across Wessex and Eastern England taking part, providing around 305 nesting plots monitored by RSPB volunteers. Both projects rely on partnerships with other organisations as well passionate and dedicated volunteers. Together with RSPB staff, the volunteers keep an eye on approximately 330 nests annually. Hundreds of hectares of grass heathland have also been restored or created since the projects began, working with different partners to make the ideal conditions for Stone-curlew to nest on. This has only been possible because of Government Agri-environment schemes which support farmers and landowners to manage land in a way which encourages nature to recover and then thrive.  

The numbers are in  

The projects are working. Breeding pairs of Wessex Stone-curlew have increased from around 30 in 1985 to approximately 120 confirmed breeding pairs today – this includes estimates for un-monitored sites. In 2024, 70% of all confirmed Stone-curlew breeding attempts in Wessex were on specially created nesting plots funded through government agri-environment schemes. And 90% of all young fledged last year were from areas of these specially created nesting plots.

There’s also been a success in eastern England, where breeding pairs increased from fewer than 100 in 1985 to approximately 226 breeding pairs in 2024 (again, including estimates for un-monitored sites).  

The numbers may not seem huge, but Stone-curlews lay a maximum of two eggs and only have one to two broods per year. This means populations grow slowly and they’re vulnerable to change. It is now estimated that there are nearly 350 breeding Stone-curlew pairs nationally. This compares with around 150 back in 1985.

The rise in numbers has only been possible thanks to committed farmers, like Rachel, a farmer supporting the Wessex Stone-curlew Project. She said: “Ever since I was a girl, we have been lucky enough to have these nesting birds on the farm but with the experience and monitoring of the farm we have moved into the position to being a net exporter of Stone-curlews into the surrounding landscape.  This is a fabulous legacy to be able to share with my daughter.  Knowing that the next generation will be inspired to continue to farm in a way that allows nature to thrive as well as put good quality food on the table is great.” 

The camera is activated by movement, and is a tool in the study of predation (and egg collection).

Reflecting on the rise in the Stone-curlew population, Tim Cowan, RSPB Conservation Officer said:

“The willingness of farmers and landowners to work with the projects and our dedicated volunteers by creating and protecting Stone-curlew breeding sites over the past four decades, has been remarkable. Simply put, this work couldn’t have been done without them and our fellow partner organisations.

“The success of the Stone-curlew projects is proof that by working together we can make space for nature if we really want to. We look forward to continued work towards establishing a sustainable population of Stone-curlew.”

Growing a brighter future for Stone-curlews 

The comeback of Stone-curlews highlights that our wildlife can begin to recover if the UK Government supports farmers through agri-environment schemes. 

Megan Gee, RSPB Conservation Advisor for the Wessex Stone-curlew Project said: “Now, more than ever, farmers need the guarantee of support from the governments of the UK through agri-environment schemes, empowering farmers to deliver for wildlife, climate and long-term food security. This is why the RSPB has launched a petition to create a public mandate that governments cannot ignore.” 

A Stone-curlew stood on grassland in golden light.
The single biggest thing you can do for nature today…. 

Tell Chancellor Rachel Reeves nature can’t afford a pay cut. Sign (or if you have already share) our petition and call on the UK Government to invest in nature-friendly farming now. Together we can help grow a brighter future for our wildlife, our farmers, and all of us.

Stone-curlew facts  

  • The Stone-curlew is a shy sandy brown bird with amazing camouflage keeping it hidden from predators.
  • They arrive on our shores in late February and March, leaving in autumn to winter in southern Spain, south-west France and north-west Africa.  

  • Their nests are a scraped-out hollow on bare ground, lined with small stones or rabbit droppings.  

  • Stone-curlew’s big yellow eyes come into their own in the low light of dusk and dawn when they hunt for food like earthworms, beetles, earwigs, spiders and woodlice.  

A Stone Curlew sits in its nest on the pebbly ground.
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