
Meet the team

Together, we discuss ideas, help shape the RSPB’s work, attend events and ensure that young people are represented in everything we do. Here we share what we're passionate about and explain what it's like to be a part of the Youth Council.

The Youth Council looking out over a grassy field.
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Hi, I’m Alfie and I’m a Zoology Student from Plymouth with a passion for wildlife conservation and safeguarding biodiversity for future generations. Our ecosystems are under threat, both in the UK and across the world, and, every day, I feel motivated to make an impact in protecting them. I love being a part of the Youth Council as I get to be a part of making positive change in a wide range of areas, whilst working alongside some amazing young activists that are just as passionate as I am! I feel optimistic about the future of our planet and I’m proud to be a part of the youth movement working to protect wildlife around the world.



Hello, I'm Chelsea Valentine, a climate justice and political advocate with a focus on working-class communities when it comes to addressing climate change. I have a passion for all things nature, and I wanted to join the Youth Council to have a hands-on opportunity in running projects related to community action, policy, and strategy. I have a background in climate activism and working in environmental spaces. I care deeply about our planet and have always felt a strong call to environmental stewardship. I'm here to try and make a positive difference.



Drawing on a lifelong love for the environment, I'm thrilled to be part of a network dedicated to empowering young people to connect and advocate for our precious natural world. Growing up amidst the wild Scottish landscapes, as well as living on various organic farms, smallholdings and communities across the UK, I've developed a deep-rooted connection to the land, its inhabitants, and their stories; which I am excited to share with others. 

Whilst pursuing a degree in Ecology and Conservation at St Andrews, I am also incredibly passionate about raising awareness of environmental issues and social justice within my community through artistic mediums and events. Joining the RSPB Youth Council offers an incredible opportunity to branch out this knowledge on a UK-wide scale and collaborate with this inspiring team of changemakers.



I’ve always had a profound interest in all disciplines of the natural world, yet perhaps above all stands my long-standing fascination at the interconnectivity of every living thing on this planet – the fact that every single individual species contributes in its own unique way to the survival of our global collective.

I think this is true of conservation too. Every one of us is significant not only in the global ecosystem, but also in the fight to protect it. The Youth Council is a fantastic, inspiring group working to do just that – I joined it to be able to play my part in helping nature on a national scale and am already beyond excited at what we are achieving together!



Haia! I'm Gruffudd, joining the RSPB Youth Council from Carmarthen in Wales. A bit about me, I have over 4 years of experience in digital media and I am currently working for the Welsh language national broadcaster S4C. It’s an honour to join the RSPB Youth Council, and the opportunity allows me to merge those digital skills with my passion for wildlife and nature.

I'm excited to get more involved in the wildlife and nature space, and represent Welsh voices and the language on a UK scale. My previous voluntary experience has been on a local level and mainly within the LGBTQ+ community. It's great to be working with the RSPB, who are positively impacting the future of our wildlife, climate and youth with their hard work.



Change is something which can easily occur if you actively pursue it. The Youth Council offers an opportunity for like-minded individuals to raise awareness of conservation and wildlife and the perils it faces.

From an early age, wildlife has always fascinated me. Its diversity is amazing, its ability to adapt astonishing. Through social media I do my upmost to promote and raise awareness on a host of subjects related to the natural world. For me there is a real importance in sharing the joyous encounters, but also highlighting the threat species and habitats are facing. For a voice to be heard, every avenue open to you has to be explored.



I recently graduated from the University of Manchester, where I studied Music. I am a violinist and enjoy playing and studying folk music from different traditions. I am interested in finding ways to combine music and wildlife conservation, studying the relationship between sound and the environment in protecting ecosystems in the face of the climate crisis.

During my studies, I began volunteering for the RSPB, assisting in practical conservation tasks and species surveys. I have gotten to experience first-hand the incredible work the RSPB does to give nature a home, and I am incredibly excited to represent the RSPB on the Youth Council. I am looking forward to finding new ways to build community amongst young people whilst increasing access to nature, promoting meaningful connections between people and wildlife.



I’m Kabir Kaul, a conservationist and wildlife writer from London. I raise awareness of urban wildlife in the capital and beyond, and how people can protect nature in cities. The Youth Council is a group of young people from across the UK, passionate about youth engagement in conservation. It is always exciting to exchange ideas with like-minded wildlife enthusiasts, amplifying the RSPB’s youth voice within, and outside of the organisation.

The opportunities to contribute to the RSPB’s work are immense; I have particularly enjoyed taking part in campaigns like Hen Harrier Day, writing for Wingbeat magazine and speaking at the AGM. I look forward to working with the Youth Council to inform young people of the issues our wildlife faces today, and the difference they can make for nature on their doorstep.



Living in Scotland, I have had the chance to experience so many of the natural wonders that this country has to offer, furthering my love for the environment and my motivation to protect it. Every encounter I have with nature strengthens my determination to play my part in conserving and campaigning for the natural world.  I am currently studying ecology and conservation at St. Andrews university, devoting my spare time to creative pursuits and volunteering with different environmental organisations across the UK helping to inspire younger generations to become involved in the protection of the natural world. Being on the Youth Council allows me the opportunity of a platform to raise my voice, connect with other young conservationists all over the UK and work to help break down the barriers preventing young people from accessing nature.



Exploring natural spaces is a key part of my personal life, so I am passionate about improving access, biodiversity, and developing levers for sustainable finance.

After a year of working across sustainability in the public and private sectors, I was determined to integrate my lessons in my Data Science Masters. During my time, I joined the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Impact Lab, learnt from researchers quantifying climate risk in corporate sustainability reports, and explored research focused on using sounds produced by different species to estimate biodiversity loss using machine learning.

Using my experience from the NCS Local and Groundwork UK Youth boards, I am keen to engage with a diverse range of young people and learn more about board governance.



As a member of the RSPB Youth Council, I bring my enthusiasm for standing up for nature and my personal interest in tackling the climate crisis. I am currently an a-level student studying Geography, Politics and German in Devon with a love for the outdoors and surfing. Outside of my studies, I am involved in many environmental organisations and have previously been very active within Fridays For Future and the climate strike movement.



I’m Rhys Irvine, a Northern Irish Wildlife Conservation student currently studying at the University of Kent. I am deeply passionate about breaking down the barriers to conservation, particularly for individuals from marginalized backgrounds. I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to contribute towards making a positive environmental change, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background. I am also dedicated to pushing for and raising awareness of community conservation opportunities, empowering people to take ownership of their natural surroundings and to make a positive change. I hope that membership of the RSPB Youth Council will give me a platform to connect with other young conservations from across the UK and push to make a positive change for the UK’s environment!



It’s hard to know where we’re most useful as individuals in this nature crisis. I am a multifaceted person and I don’t know exactly what I’m meant to be doing yet; I feel like I’m an artist, a scientist, an activist, a student, a struggling vegetarian cook and much more. I have grappled (and still do) with anxiety and despair about the climate and biodiversity crises. It can be overwhelming especially because of its many intersectionalities, but being part of the Youth Council has given me a chance to feel like I am putting my energy into something meaningful alongside other very inspiring, equally worried, passionate young people. I will never be a perfect activist (or cook) but I truly feel that every little thing we do out of love for the planet is meaningful. Just know there’s hope and rebellion in things as small as stopping to listen to the birdsong!



Nothing changes if it isn’t challenged. Being a part of the RSPB Youth Council feels like being a part of something bigger, and it makes me feel that I’m not alone in the challenge to save nature. I never grew up from being a kid who loves to delve her head into a huge animal encyclopaedia, and nowadays I love nothing more than nurturing my love of the natural world by exploring my local green spaces and finding wildlife. I care deeply about environmentalism and sustainability, and I’m a firm believer that good done somewhere is good done everywhere. Online I share my love of natural science communication, wildlife (especially fungi!) and eco-activism.

The Youth Council is helping fuel the fire in my belly to work with an equally passionate team to give nature a voice!



Hello, my name is Thomas and I have been a Youth Council member since 2018, when it was called the Phoenix Forum. I am currently studying Ecology and Conservation at Sheffield University and would like to work in conservation biology, looking for new species and preventing extinctions. As a member of this fantastic group, I have met people from all walks of life and have gained a lot of insight, skills and confidence to use what I have learnt. My favourite experience was attending the 2021 IUCN Global Youth Summit, (virtually), where I spoke to people from all over the world about nature, conservation, and the importance of young people in decision making.

Get in touch

The Youth Council is supported by the Youth Mobilisation team. For any questions or comments, please get in touch with the team at youth@rspb.org.uk. If you want to get involved with the Youth Council, contact us at youthcouncil@rspb.org.uk.

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