How to identify

The Avocet is a distinctively-patterned black and white wader with a long up-curved beak. Avocets are protected by the Schedule 1, which makes it an offence to disturb them. It's also the emblem of the RSPB, and you'll see it in our logo. It symbolises the bird protection movement in the UK more than any other species. Its return in the 1940s and subsequent increase in numbers represents one of the most successful conservation and protection projects.



Marco Dragonetti / xeno-canto

Black and white bird with long scooped bill and tall stick-like legs, wading in shallow water.
February’s Birds of the Month

To celebrate World Wetlands Day this month, here are six birds that you might see near water.


  1. Resident
  2. Passage
  3. Summer
  4. Winter
* This map is intended as a guide. It shows general distribution rather than detailed, localised populations.
  1. Jan
  2. Feb
  3. Mar
  4. Apr
  5. May
  6. Jun
  7. Jul
  8. Aug
  9. Sep
  10. Oct
  11. Nov
  12. Dec

Where best to see them

Key facts