Pioneering habitat management helps UK’s tallest bird populations reach new heights.
There's a small breeding population in Norfolk, a reintroduced population in Somerset and small numbers pass through Britain in spring and autumn. Numbers in Europe have fallen over the last 300 years because of disturbance, shooting and wetland drainage.
Pioneering habitat management helps UK’s tallest bird populations reach new heights.
Cranes are vocal birds, with a distinct bugling call which can be heard up to 3.5 miles away. They call out to the other members of their flock when in flight, and in spring, the bugling sound accompanies a distinctive courtship dance.
But despite their conspicuous appearance and brash behaviour, Cranes can be stealthy. Nesting deep in reedbeds, these big birds can slink into the dense vegetation and easily disappear from the sight of predators (and eager birdwatchers!).