
At Hobbister, spring birdsong meets sweeping views across Waulkmill Bay. This magical mixture of land and water blends sea cliffs and saltmarsh with moorland and sandflats. On the moor, keep an eye out for Hen Harriers, Short-eared Owls and Red-throated Divers, while the coastal walks will reveal Red-breasted Mergansers and Black Guillemots. Listen out for twittering Twites overhead, distant bubbling Curlews or yodelling Great Northern Divers on the impressive Scapa Flow. The colours, sky and seascape are always an impressive sight.

We manage the reserve with wildlife in mind, working to maintain a mosaic of moorland habitats, sea cliffs and saltmarsh and provide ideal conditions for breeding Hen Harriers, Curlews and Short-eared Owls.

We minimise disturbance to breeding birds, promote sustainable grazing regimes, and work with our neighbours to help protect the fragile moorland ecosystem.

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