
Make the perfect bird bath

Help birds and other wildlife in your outdoor space with a bird bath.

A group of Starlings washing in a birdbath surrounded by greenery.

This Helping Nature activity can be completed as part of Families Wild Challenge.

Estimated time: 1-2 hours Season: All year Skill level: Easy


Find a shallow dish

A shallow, watertight bowl, such as an upturned dustbin lid or large circular plant tray. Even an old bowl or a cooking pot would work. You could even creative and upcycle something unwanted.

The perfect bird bath will have very shallow sloping sides, a maximum depth of only 10cm or so and be as wide as possible – ideally more than 30cm across.

A bird bath comprised of an upturned metal dustbin lid, sat on four bricks, filled with a layer of pebbles and rocks, topped up with water.

Where to put a bird bath?

Find a suitable location in the garden where the birds will be safe and you can see all the action. A good choice is on an open flat area, where there is no long grass or low bush for a cat to hide and pounce.

Partnering with

The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International.More