
Bempton Cliffs, on the spectacular Yorkshire coast, is home to one of the UK's top wildlife spectacles. Around half a million seabirds gather here between March and August to raise a family on the towering chalk cliffs that overlook the North Sea.

The huge white chalk cliffs at Bempton are impressive at any time of year. But visit between April and July, and you'll find them transformed into England’s largest seabird city. Here Puffins, Gannets, Kittiwakes and Guillemots live life on the edge. There are more Gannets acrobatically diving into the deep here than anywhere else on mainland England.

But it’s not all about the cliffs. In spring and summer Corn Buntings, Skylarks and Linnets breed in the grassland and scrub where land meets the sea, while Kestrel and Barn Owls hunt under wide open skies, often joined in winter by Short-eared Owls.

RSPB Bempton is part of the headland at Flamborough and inside the recording area of Flamborough Bird Observatory (FBO) which covers most of the headland. FBO update their sightings page every day. If you go here you can find out what has been seen at Bempton Cliffs and nearby. If you explore the site you can discover more about the FBO and other local areas that are good for birds.

Download our trail map, to help you plan your visit.

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Bring your science and geography lessons to life with our curriculum linked sessions run by our learning team on the reserve. We offer a variety of hands on, practical sessions which you can choose from. Find out more about our school visits here.

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