Nature Can’t Wait

Nature is in crisis, but there’s still hope. The UK General Election is an opportunity to help protect our natural world and bring our wildlife back from the brink.

White-tailed eagle standing in a field of heather.

Get nature on the agenda

We’re calling on people across the UK to help put the nature crisis firmly on the agenda. We need to let all candidates and parties know that protecting our natural world for our wildlife, and for us, must be a priority. The UK has committed to halting the loss of our wildlife and protecting and managing 30% of our land and sea for nature by 2030. That’s just six years away. If we are going to restore our wildlife, it must be now. Nature can’t wait any longer.

More ways to take action this election

Email your candidates

Let your candidates know they must urgently commit to protecting and restoring our natural world.

Attend a local hustings

Attend a local event with your candidates and take this opportunity to let them know protecting and restoring wildlife and wild places needs to be a priority.

Voter ID

You now need to take ID with you when you vote. Find out if you have suitable ID, and how to get free ID if you don’t.

Other campaign resources

MPs are no longer sitting, but there are local representatives across the UK, from councillors to members of national parliaments, who can help you achieve effective positive change for nature in your local area. Find out how.