
Share your message of hope for nature

Our friends at BirdLife International are calling for us all to share our hopes for the future, ahead of the COP16 biodiversity conference in October. Together, we can show decision makers that people across the globe are united to protect nature.

Posted 5 min read
A Puffin stood proudly on a field of white flowers.
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What’s COP all about? 

Back in December 2022, delegates from almost 200 nations came together in Montreal, Canada, to discuss the biodiversity crisis and agree a way forward. The summit, known as the ‘Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity’ – or CBD COP15 for short! – involved weeks of negotiations before a deal was reached. 

The result was the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a plan to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030, which sets out a range of targets for countries, including to stop extinctions, recover wildlife populations, and protect and restore ecosystems by the end of the decade.

It was a landmark moment for nature, but targets alone aren’t enough. Share a message of hope

It’s time for action 

With the next CBD COP – number 16 – rapidly approaching, it’s time to show decision makers that people around the world care about nature and want to see these bold promises turned into real action.  

That’s why BirdLife International – a global network of more than 120 conservation organisations, including the RSPB – have launched their Messages of Hope campaign, asking us all to share our hopes for nature’s future. If people right across the globe take part and raise their voices, we can demonstrate to the delegates at COP16 the scale of public support for nature and drive the action it so desperately needs. 

From preventing damaging developments to forcing U-turns on harmful environmental policies, we’ve seen time and again what a difference people power can make for nature, so please add your voice today. 

A Brown hare
Share your message of hope

It’s time to show decision makers that people around the world care about nature.

Our work with BirdLife International 

Saving nature on a global scale is no easy task. Wildlife doesn’t see borders and so no amount of effort by one organisation in one country can stop the declines. For nature to thrive, we need to join forces with people and organisations across the world, through partnerships like BirdLife International. By working together, we become so much more than the sum of our parts.  
Find out more  

RSPB and the BirdLife International Global Flyways Programme.

The Convention on Biological Diversity.

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