Landfill Communities Fund
Grants from the Landfill Communities Fund and Scottish Landfill Communities Fund support vital community and conservation projects across our reserves.

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New habitat for breeding Lapwings at Crook of Baldoon
Nestled in Wigtown Bay on the west of Scotland is RSPB Crook of Baldoon, a breathtaking panorama of coastal saltmarsh set against the backdrop of the Galloway Hills. Since RSPB Scotland purchased the nature reserve in 2010, we have been working to enhance these habitats to create the best conditions for wildlife to breed, feed and rest in.
In 2022, support from the FCC Communities Foundation, through the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund, enabled RSPB Scotland to embark on an exciting project to improve the reserve’s wet grassland habitat to increase its value for breeding Lapwings, and other wading birds and wintering wildfowl. Work has included reprofiling existing wetland features, and creating a series of new features to provide attractive habitat conditions for nesting adult Lapwings and to promote the successful rearing of Lapwing chicks.
We are delighted that this funding has enabled us to improve the reserve’s wet grassland habitat and we believe that this will help attract more breeding Lapwings to the Crook of Baldoon, as well as other wading birds and wildfowl.

Wetland restoration at Boyton Marshes
The East coast of England provides essential pitstops for many thousands of migratory birds to stop and refuel on their mammoth journeys.
RSPB Boyton Marshes on the Suffolk coast was a recent recipient of funding from Valencia Communities Fund, which allowed the RSPB to create 17 hectares of lagoons. This project has provided new wetland habitat and enhanced water-level management to support sustained populations of wading birds and wildfowl.
The restoration has already made a significant impact for wildlife at Boyton Marshes, with nearly 3,000 wading birds and wildfowl using the newly created lagoons throughout January 2023. Many of the recorded species were of high conservation priority, including Lapwings and Black-tailed Godwits. The nature reserve was even visited by some rarities, such as a North American vagrant, the Green-winged Teal.
The adjacent Suffolk Coast Footpath provides public access and views across the new wetland habitat, providing great opportunities for people to connect with nature and enjoy a relaxing and peaceful stroll. The footpath offers visitors the opportunity to experience the wetland and its inhabitants up close, whilst also providing a great spot for birdwatching, photography, and other outdoor activities. Additionally, the wetland serves as an important educational resource for the community, where visitors can learn about the importance of wetlands and the diverse array of species that call them home.

Reducing flooding at Old Moor
RSPB Old Moor in the Dearne Valley has been subject to severe flooding, with recent increases in extreme weather events making these occurrences more common. The site’s existing pump, installed 60 years ago, was failing due to age and wear. Along with greatly impacting visitor facilities and paths, regular flooding was also causing ecological damage to the site.
On various occasions, Old Moor became a single lake. The increased water levels had devastating effects on the nests of priority species, including Black-headed Gulls, Redshanks, Lapwings and Common Terns. The standing water also caused damage to vegetation, which on one occasion took over three years to recover. The high water levels have also had an impact on passage wading birds throughout the autumn months, with the lack of exposed mud reducing feeding opportunities for a number of already threatened birds.
In 2022, with support from Caird Peckfield Community Fund (administered via GrantScape) and other funders, the RSPB were able to install an innovative gravity fed siphon pump at Old Moor. In implementing a new pump, the reserve is now able to mitigate the impact of climate change and has built resilience to extreme weather events. The gravity fed design means the new pump is highly efficient, carbon neutral – with net zero emissions – and low maintenance, allowing large volumes of water to be moved quickly in a short period of time. The new pump is essential to water management of the entire site and as such vital for the success of breeding wading birds. Thanks to this funding RSPB Old Moor is able to continue to support internationally important numbers of wintering wading birds and wildfowl.