Birds and wildlife
Honey Buzzard
Pernis apivorusGroup: Kites, hawks and eaglesUK Conservation status:Not assessedHow to identify
The Honey Buzzard is a large bird of prey that is similar to the Buzzard. It has broad wings and a long tail. The plumage is very variable across all ages - typical adults are greyish-brown on their upperparts and whitish on underparts. The nest sites of British breeding birds are usually kept secret to protect them from egg collectors. They are also listed as a Schedule 1 species on The Wildlife and Countryside Act offering them additional protection. Numbers are increasing, perhaps as a result of upland conifer forest maturing. It is a summer visitor to its breeding sites and spends the winter in Africa.Key
- Resident
- Passage
- Summer
- Winter

- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec