Birds and wildlife
Marsh Warbler
Acrocephalus palustrisGroup: WarblersUK Conservation status:RedHow to identify
This master singer is so rare that few people in the UK get to hear it. It looks similar to the Reed Warbler, but is whiter below, more olive above and has pale legs. Like other warblers it is highly active, searching its habitat of shrubs and dense vegetation for food. Though it's thought to have a secure population within Europe, the UK population of Marsh Warblers has fallen and is now of serious conservation concern. It is a Schedule 1 listed bird of The Wildlife and Countryside Act.Call

Marsh Warbler
Stuart Fisher / xeno-canto
- Resident
- Passage
- Summer
- Winter

- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec