
The wildlife-rich Caledonian pineforest of Loch Garten and Abernathy is like no other forest in the UK. Huge, Gnarled, lichen-encrusted Scots pine trees flank the land, interspersed with Blaeberry, Juniper, Rowan, Birch and Heather.

Visit during spring and summer and spot breeding Osprey, Crested Tits, Red Squirrels, Bank Voles, Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Siskins and Common Lizards among the Caledonian forest wildlife.

On warm summer days, look out for dragonflies and damselflies, including White Faced-darter and Four-spotted Chaser. On the forest floor,wood ants nests contain up to 250,000 ants – some of our nests are a metre tall.

At dusk, the arrival of Wild Greylag and Pink-footed Geese on Loch Garten is an exhilarating display in autumn and winter. You can also feed coal tits from your hand outside the Nature Centre. You’ll be delighted at how feather-light they are and how their claws tickle.

There's no need to book in advance, please pay at the visitor centre when you arrive. Last entry to the visitor centre is at 4.30 pm.

Download our trail map, to help you plan your visit.

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Contact Loch Garten, Abernethy