
Otmoor is a haven for wildlife in the heart of Oxfordshire. The visitor trail leads you alongside an expansive floodplain grazing marsh, home to wading birds and wildfowl all year round. Elsewhere in the reserve, hedgerows bustle with warblers and other songbirds, while the rustling reedbed adds to the immersive experience of being on the moor.

The 485 hectares of this reserve are carefully managed to provide rich habitat to our Lapwings, Redshanks, Snipe and more. One of the largest inland wetland complexes in the country, Otmoor is home to a huge amount of wildlife, rare species and impressive wildlife spectacles.

What to expect:

Spring: Look out for Lapwings performing their tumbling display over the fields. In the scrapes, Redshanks probe for food, while Snipe perform their mating call come dawn and dusk.

Summer: Grass Snakes and Common Lizards bask out in the early morning sun, while Black and Brown Hairstreak Butterflies can be found feeding and laying eggs along the blackthorn hedgerows.

Autumn: Watch the flocks of Golden Plovers and Lapwings as they perform aerial displays, evading a Peregrine or Marsh Harrier. Listen out for the Lapwings' 'peewit' calls, as thousands of them flock to feed at Otmoor.

Winter: Watch Redwings and Fieldfares feasting on the berries in the hedgerows and look out for Barn and Short-eared Owls hunting over the fields.

Top 5 species:

For latest sightings, see Oxon Birding Blog, Birds and Wildlife in Oxfordshire Facebook Group or Otmoor Birding BlogBirds and Wildlife in Oxfordshire Facebook Group

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