Green infrastructure: building for nature
Homes and gardens have a vital role to play in reversing nature’s decline. Planning policies and the way developers build houses must be sensitive to the needs of our incredible wildlife.

On this page
Building for nature
We work with public authorities and the construction industry to seek to ensure developments work for nature. Our partnership with Barratt Homes has shown how, with the right guidance, new housing developments can be nature friendly.
Cracking the code : Designing for nature’s recovery
The RSPB together with the Royal Town Planning Institute has published practical and innovative guidance using worked examples of how to embrace the Government’s new requirements for design codes and guides in the English planning process to design for zero carbon and nature’s recovery.
‘Cracking the Code’ shows how codes can be a positive force for nature at both district-wide and site-specific scales, and is aimed at local planning authorities, developers and local communities, encouraging all to prepare and assess design codes with nature firmly in mind!
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Creating wildlife-friendly communities
Through our partnership with Barratt Developments Plc, the RSPB was commissioned by the National House Building Council (NHBC), to write a guide ('Biodiversity in New Housing Development — creating wildlife friendly communities') for professionals in urban planning, house building, green and blue infrastructure, and urban biodiversity. The guide may also be useful for those concerned with developments, providing rationale and examples to influence their design, and the environmental considerations to include in a neighbourhood plan.