
Bananas for butterflies

Butterflies love a sugary treat, especially during the autumn when food is harder to find.

A lone Red Admiral butterfly perched on a cream flower

An old banana will provide just that, but do beware that wasps and hornets might also like it too. Be sure to place them away from wherever you might be sitting! If you eat all your bananas before they go off, you can buy your own butterfly feeding kit from our shop.

Male Silver-studded Butterfly
Why butterflies need bananas
Estimated time: Under an hour Season: Autumn Skill level: Easy


Take your old banana and, while it's still in the skin, squeeze and mash it between your hands.

A bunch of three very brown and spotty bananas, laying on a slatted bamboo surface.

Pierce the skin of the banana with a knife, pair of scissors, or a skewer.

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The RSPB is a member of BirdLife International.More