
The different ways your business can become Nature Positive

Find out what Nature Positive means and the areas within your business we could focus on to help you reach your Nature Positive goals.

A mix of wildflowers in a meadow
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What is a Nature Positive Economy? 

Nature Positive is the global goal to ‘Halt and Reverse Nature Loss by 2030 and achieve full recovery by 2050’.  

Simply put, it means there’s more nature in the world in 2030 than in 2020, and with a continued recovery after that. If this is going to happen, we need a Nature Positive economy  find out more about what this means here.  

How we can help your business become Nature Positive 

The RSPB are leaders in providing insights and guidance on how businesses can be more sustainable and help nature recover in a way which works for them. 

Using our five pillars approach we can help you identify the ways you can make changes that are within your control and will make a genuine difference to our natural world. We also look for opportunities for you to influence, advocate and support changes in the wider world, such as through your supply chain or regulators.  

It starts with a plan 

When we begin working in a new partnership it is very much a collaborative process. We work together to create a Nature Positive plan that works for you and considers the impact of the changes across your business. We’ll start by asking three simple questions: 

  1. What are you already doing for nature?  
  2. What are the next logical steps to take? 
  3. What areas could we work on long term and are there any areas which may feel out of your range?   

Together we’ll create a business strategy which will detail the practical steps to be taken and outline the opportunities which will help raise awareness of your brand to new and hard-to-reach audiences. We’ll work with you to engage and empower your teams and other stakeholders along the way.  

Crucially, when you work with us you know the plans we make together will be backed up by our world-class science, regional expertise and extensive experience delivering transformational corporate partnerships. Throughout, our Business Engagement division will support your organisation to help you meet your Commercial and ESG goals while playing a vital role in addressing the challenges of the climate and nature crises. 

The five core pillars to help you become Nature Positive 

We’ve created five pillars which can be used as a tool for businesses on their journey to becoming Nature Positive. Each pillar highlights the different economic factors which can make a difference to nature. Depending on your sector or area of work, some pillars will be more relevant than others.   

1. Physical Footprint 

This is about maximising the land available for nature, whether it’s an office car park with wildflower verges, or estates and green areas. It could be protecting and retaining the areas you already have or creating new habitats. Anyone with influence over land can make a difference, from investors to landowners and land managers.  

2. Financial

From pensions to investments, to nature markets such as Biodiversity Net Gain and carbon offsetting, there are many ways that finance can be used to support nature. This pillar looks at how money can be invested in nature restoration and protection, as well as how existing investments can become greener by divesting from areas which have harmful practices. Insurers, banks, asset managers and private equity firms all have a big role to play. But everyone who has an influence over where money is spent can play a key part too. 

3. Policy  

To make the changes needed to see nature thrive once more we need to change at a policy level — from internal business policies to large scale government regulations. We need these policies to help us get to Net Zero and to become Nature Positive, aligning with levelling up policies, 30x30 commitments as well as EU and global policies. Internally, businesses can set science-based targets for climate and nature, and advocate for the changes they want to see from decision-makers.  

4. Supply Chain  

Business supply chains have a big impact on nature. This could be the food they stock, the way they export goods or how suppliers value and look after our natural resources. This pillar looks at how businesses can work out the impacts across supply chains, including transportation, processing, retail and end-of-life solutions. It also includes how good supply chain standards can be set, along with looking at the importance of using local services.  

5. People 

Everyone has a part to play in the protection and restoration of nature. Businesses can help by empowering employees to get involved in driving forward the actions needed to protect and restore our wildlife and wild places. In this pillar we look at how businesses can do this by increasing awareness of how nature is good for the planet and for us, particularly looking at its impact on our mental health and the communities we’re part of.  

What is your Sphere of Control?  

Helping businesses understand where they can make real change is key to becoming Nature Positive. This is what we call the ‘sphere of control’ — the crucial areas where you can have real success making nature saving changes.  

We’ve split these into four areas:  

Act: What does your company have direct control to change? 

  • For example, are you a landowner or land manager with control over how your business’ land is used? Or do you look after where funds are invested for pensions or where your business gets investment from? 
  • Or maybe you’re a housing developer who has direct control over how much green space is included in a development?

Influence: Where can your business influence others or call for change? 

  • For example, are you a landowner or land manager who can pick where they sell to or how you transport your goods? 
  • Or are you a housing developer who can choose the materials you use, or who does your insurance? 

Advocate: Where can your business call for change? 

  • For example, are you a landowner or land manager who can call on the government to tackle or eliminate harmful subsidies? Or could you ask for them to increase or redirect finance to positive incentives for nature? 
  • Or maybe you’re a housing developer who can call on a local authority to plan and deliver more space for nature?

Support: Where can your business support changes in the wider world? 

  • For example, are you a landowner or land manager who can help influence social behaviour through promoting the Nature Positive actions you take? Or can you be part of nature-friendly schemes or contribute to policy consultations for governmental change? 
  • Or are you a housing developer who can support nature awareness through education on how a new development is working for nature? Or can you increase the opportunities for communities to engage with nature or contribute to government policy consultations? 

Want to know more about becoming Nature Positive? Get in touch! 

We want to help businesses get on the right track for their Nature Positive journey. Becoming Nature Positive can be complex and tricky to understand, but our experts have tried and tested approaches underpinned by science which we know work. Our Business Engagement team will help you choose the best and most pragmatic approach for you to reach your corporate sustainability goals and then support you along the way. 

If you want to learn more, please contact us at corporate.partnerships@rspb.org.uk 

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