Become a member

When you join us, you're joining a flock of nearly 1.2 million people who are helping to protect our wonderful wildlife and wild places.

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We're the UK's largest nature conservation charity, with1.15 millionmembers
We look after an amazing18,700different species on RSPB nature reserves
We care for more than 170 nature reserves across the UK - covering an area the size of250,000 footbal pitches

Membership helps to

  • Protect our most vulnerable wildlife and the precious wild places they live
  • Fund scientific research and expertise which underpins our nature-saving work
  • Successfully influence governments to make crucial decisions for nature 
  • Increase the number of people and communities finding the magic in nature and inspiring them to take small steps to help save it 

Membership gives you

  • Access to 170 nature reserves - so you can explore some of the UK’s most spectacular wild places! 
  • New ways to find out about the wildlife you love through our emails, magazines and events  
  • The chance to join us in speaking up for nature and the birds and other wildlife that matters to you 
  • Top tips and advice on how you can help wildlife close to home and further afield  

What to expect when you join

  • Unlimited access to some of the UK’s most spectacular wild places

    From ancient woodlands to rugged coastlines, our 170 nature reserves are yours to explore. Every visit is a chance to see amazing wildlife, from diving Gannets to darting dragonflies to singing Song Thrushes. You can also see firsthand the incredible wild landscapes you’re helping to protect. With free entry for members, you can explore our nature reserves as often as you like.
  • Your own RSPB Magazine
    Take a moment, grab a cuppa and find out something new about our incredible birds and wildlife in the RSPB magazine. Read inspiring stories, get expert tips on spotting species and guides to giving nature a hand. You can also catch up on the amazing conservation work your membership will fund.
  • Welcome pack

    All you need to know to get started with your membership! We’ll give you a glimpse into how your membership makes a real difference to nature through supporting our work. We’ll let you know ways to keep up to date with the impact you’re making, including seeing this work first hand. There will also be hints and tips on getting the best from your membership – from visiting reserves, to taking part in events to giving birds and other wildlife a helping hand on your patch. Plus find out the different ways you can get involved with our work and connect with other like-minded nature lovers like you!
Welcome pack

What kind of projects do our members support?

Because of our members we’ve been able to

  • Help many iconic species make comebacks, from Red Kites to Cranes to Beavers!   
  • Speak up for nature-friendly policies which have made a real difference to our wildlife. This includes stopping industrial sandeel fishing to help seabirds like Puffins and Kittiwakes, and the successful lobbying for the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill in Scotland, which aims to stop the persecution of birds of prey like Golden Eagles and Hen Harriers.  
  • Inspire huge numbers of people to make space for nature in our homes and communities through activities like Big Garden Birdwatch. Our flagship event saw more than 600,000 people take part.


Please note that the examples above are illustrations of where money may be spent. Membership money is used to fund a wide variety of work, wherever the need is greatest.

“I love birds and wildlife, and I wanted to become a member to contribute to their conservation in some way. I want my daughter to appreciate the natural world around her and being able to visit RSPB sites as a member really helps that.”- Kerrya
“I like to take practical steps to support the natural world rather than just worrying about its decline. RSPB membership is an obvious choice due to its strong advocacy and success in halting and reversing species decline.”- Alex
“I joined the RSPB to help save habitats and support wildlife - Thanks to the RSPB I am more aware of wildlife (not just birds) in general and try to make my garden a haven for them as much as possible.”- Laura