What can some of nature’s mothers teach us on Mother’s Day?
This Mother’s Day we celebrate some special parenting skills from six remarkable species.
Thousands of people are experiencing the health-giving power of nature with an RSPB Nature Prescription.
RSPB Nature Prescriptions are an innovative way for health and associated professionals to discuss nature with the aim of improving their client’s wellbeing.
They are created with and delivered by a wide range of professionals, including GPs, social prescribing link workers, wellbeing connectors, occupational therapists, health and wellbeing coaches, dementia support workers, and community stroke support teams.
The Nature Prescription encourages people to connect with nature in a way that is personal and meaningful to them, at a time to suit them. It can be as simple as listening to birdsong or watching a sunset. The prescriptions include a calendar of simple prompts to help people to notice the nature around them.
Through a strengthened connection to nature, RSPB Nature Prescriptions can also lead to people showing more care and concern for nature, and a desire to take positive action to support it.
“It has been a saviour. It has allowed me to listen to my feelings, a greater awareness of how things affect me and just how much beauty is around us. I have slowed down, and I am so much calmer thanks to this initiative.” Patient feedback, Edinburgh pilot report.
Increasing evidence shows a greater connection with nature can improve health and wellbeing, for example: combating low mood, lowering blood pressure and reducing stress and anxiety.
Noticing the patterns on a leaf, tracing the journey of a raindrop down a windowpane, or breathing in the chilly autumn air are all simple ways to connect with nature and find moments of calm in our busy lives.
Trials of RSPB Nature Prescriptions in Scotland were really encouraging, with 74% of patients saying they benefited from their prescription and 91% of prescribing health and associated professionals saying they would continue to offer RSPB Nature Prescriptions. Click here to see our report on the outcomes of an urban pilot of Nature Prescriptions in Edinburgh.
Following on from those trials, RSPB Nature Prescriptions are now being offered by healthcare professionals across England, Scotland and Wales.
"I’m more aware of nature as well now, it’s more about connecting with nature rather than just going out for a walk and being lost in your own thoughts. And that’s been really, really helpful." GP feedback, Edinburgh pilot report.
We believe that everyone, no matter where they live or the challenges they face, has the right to access the benefits of nature.
RSPB Nature Prescriptions are accessible and inclusive, supporting individuals from the urban centre of Birmingham to the coast of the Shetland Islands. They are always free to receive.
If you work for an organisation that supports people's health and wellbeing and you're interested in offering RSPB Nature Prescriptions, we're continually welcoming partners. Get in touch at natureprescriptions@rspb.org.uk.