CaulkerbushOpenSee opening timesThere’s so much to explore at Mersehead. We have freshwater pools, woodland, farmland, mudflats and a fabulous beach. Come by this autumn to see great flocks of wintering Barnacle Geese.
Situated on the scenic north shore of the Solway coast, Mersehead is an extensive wetland and saltmarsh area, a haven for breeding waders, wintering waterfowl and year-round bird and wildlife-watching.
This reserve boasts a wide variety of different habitats and wildlife, from Barnacle Geese in the autumn and winter and Lapwings and Natterjacks Toads in the spring and summer. It's a stunning example of freshwater wetland habitats, wide expanses of intertidal sand and mudflats, woodland, farmland and of course a fabulous beach.
In spring, the air is filled with birdsong as birds compete to establish territories and attract a mate. And you can listen for the croaks of rare Natterjack Toads on the sand dunes come evening. In summer, look out for young birds making their first venture into the world. Autumn brings large movements of migrating birds, including huge flocks of wintering Barnacle Geese. In the winter, see mumurations of Starling swirling around the reedbed as they come into roost.
At a glance
23 spaces. 2 Blue Badge spaces. Spaces situated 20 m from Visitor Centre. Drop-off for Blue Badge holders outside Sulwarth education centre. The car park adjacent to the visitor centre includes three bicycle racks and a coach park by Steadings. No height restrictions.
Located in the visitor centre.
Baby changing facility accessible from a seated position.
Wetland Trail, 2 miles (3 km). Wide and hard surfaced. Hide access tracks narrower and can be muddy. Two hides with step-free, ramped access on Wetland Trail.
Coastal Trail, 2.5 miles (4 km) route with some soft grass and sand surfaces. Restricted access dependent on tides. Two narrow kissing gates. No steps or stiles.
Wetland Trail, 2 miles (3 km). Wide and hard surfaced. Hide access tracks narrower and can be muddy. Two hides with step-free, ramped access on Wetland Trail.
Coastal Trail, 2.5 miles (4 km) route with some soft grass and sand surfaces. Restricted access dependent on tides. Two narrow kissing gates. No steps or stiles.
Blue Badge parking bays 400 m from hides. Ask in Visitor Centre.
Located in the visitor centre.
BBQs are a fire risk, endangering other people and the precious wildlife and habitats here. They are not permitted on the reserve at any time.
During the ground-nesting bird breeding season (1 April to 15 August) we would ask that you keep your dog close to you, preferably on a short lead and please clean up after your dog.
Assistance dogs are welcome in all parts of the reserve.
Contact Mersehead Mersehead Nature Reserve, Southwick, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, DG2 8AH 01387 780579