Often seen flying high overhead like a fast-flying dark crescent moon. Its wings are long and narrow, and it has a short, forked tail. Find out more about these amazing aerial birds below.
From Saturday 29 June to Sunday 7 July 2024, you can join walks, talks and events with local Swift experts and enthusiasts to enjoy watching these extraordinary birds and find out more about them.
Swifts usually arrive in the UK from early May, enlivening our skies with their swooping, diving and exuberant cries. See our Swift migration video below to experience their long journey taken to reach our skies.
Sadly, these aerial masters are on the UK Red list due to their declining numbers here. The reasons behind this loss are complex, but there are two steps we can take to help: providing suitable nesting sites and ensuring that there are plenty of insects for them to feed on.
Swift Awareness Week events are run by independent local groups which make up the Swifts Local Network, RSPB local groups, and RSPB nature reserves. The details below are correct at the time of publication, but where possible please confirm with the organisers before attending.
Further events will be added to this list before Swift Awareness Week, so you may wish to return to this page to check for updates.
Northern Ireland
Monday 24 June: Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast
8pm. Come along to the Crescent Arts Centre to learn more about conservation efforts for these amazing aviators! Details and booking: Swifts & the City - Wild Belfast
Saturday 29 June: Caistor, Lincolnshire
A display by Caistor Swift Group in The Caistor Arts and Heritage Centre will run daily through into July when there will be a walk and talk event on 25th. Further details: ailsa.wish@gmail.com
Saturday 29 June: Hartland, Devon
7- 9pm. Meet St. John’s Swift Group in the Square in Hartland EX39 6BL. We’ll check swift boxes and visit the King's Arms garden to watch Swifts feeding. We'll do a count and have a drink. Free/no booking. Details: frances.bridgman@btconnect.com
Saturday 29 June: Bradshaw, Bolton
Bolton and Bury Swifts will host a Swift Watching Evening in a private garden in Bradshaw, Bolton. Please email for full details and to reserve a place: boltonandburySwifts@outlook.com
Saturday 29 June: Salisbury
Evening Swift Walk and Talk 8–9.30pm. Meet outside Sarum College on Cathedral Close. No booking required. Suggested donation £5.
Saturday 29 June: Hathern, Leicestershire
As part of Hathern Open Gardens, Tony & Anne Croft will have their garden open for Swift watching between 10am and 5pm. Hathern Open Gardens | the National UK Open Gardens Directory . Details: Anne & Tony Croft the.crofties.32@gmail.com
Saturday 29 June: Oxford, Oxfordshire
Oxford Swift City Group will host a Swift walk starting at 11 am, taking in the Natural History Museum and the group’s Swift Tower in University Parks. To book email: OxfordSwiftCity@rspb.org.uk
Saturday 29 June: Masham, North Yorkshire
Swift Conservation Community Group will have a stall in Masham Market between 9am and 2pm including Masham Primary School’s entries in a ‘Design a Swift Cap’ competition. Details: mashamswifts@gmail.com We will also be showing video of the Swifts nesting in the church tower boxes.
Saturday 29 June: Stoke Newington, London
10am - 12.30pm. Lorna Mikhelson will have a Swift stall at Stoke Newington Growing Communities Farmers Market at St. Paul's Church, Stoke Newington Road, N16 7UY.
Saturday 29 June: Long Ashton, Somerset
A Swift walk organised by The Lance Trust. Meet at 7.45pm outside the Community Centre in the village. Free. Further details here.
Saturday 29 June: Bridport, Dorset
Draw Like a Swift with Jo Burlington from Oops Wow Messy Art Learn about these amazing birds & explore how we can move our bodies to get some of their energy into our drawings. Free & open to all, from age 3 & up! 2pm−3.30pm, Youth & Community Centre. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Sunday 30 June: Walmer, Kent
Walmer & Deal Action for Swifts group has an informal event outside 24 Wilson Avenue Deal CT14 9NW between 9am and 7.30pm. The house has 25 nest boxes. Contact details: danrswift15@gmail.com
Sunday 30 June: Hathern, Leicestershire
As part of Hathern Open Gardens, Tony & Anne Croft will have their garden open for Swift watching between 12 noon and 5pm. Hathern Open Gardens | the National UK Open Gardens Directory . Details: Anne & Tony Croft the.crofties.32@gmail.com
Sunday 30 June: Hethersett, Norfolk
Norwich Swift Network will have an information stand & talk at Hethersett Big Green Picnic, 10.00 - 16.00 Hethersett Village Hall, NR9 3JJ. nswiftnetwork@gmail.com / 07887517060
Sunday 30 June: Bridport, Dorset
Swift Town Poets with writer and performer Sarah Acton. A gentle walk around town, immersed in the sounds of a summer, pausing for readings & writing, sharing in the joy of Swifts & making new poetry for Bridport Swift Town. Adults & young people aged 12+, free & open to all. 7.30pm−9pm, St Mary’s Hall. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Monday 1 July: Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire
8pm. Stroud Swift Group has a Swift walk led by local swift expert John Crowther organised with the Stroud Valleys Project. Tickets are £7 adult, £3 for a child. Book Online
Monday 1 July: Gledhow, Leeds
A Swift-watching evening run by Leeds Swifts starting at 7.30pm. Booking essential. Contact: leeds.Swifts@gmail.com
Monday 1 July: Macclesfield, Cheshire
6-7.30 pm. A Swift Walk from St. Michael’s – Meet at St. Michael’s Church. Market Place, Macclesfield SK10 1DY. Free, no booking required. Details: Tina Hanak at swifts@macclesfieldrspb.org.uk
Monday 1 July: Hertford, Hertfordshire
Hertford Town Centre - 7.30 pm. A Swift walk starting at Sainsbury’s Car Park SG14 1RD. Details Clive Fleming: hertfordswifts@gmail.com . M: 07954 727133
Tuesday 2 July: Macclesfield, Cheshire
6 - 7.30pm. A Swift Walk in Sutton. Meet at The Pleasance (on the Village Green) at the Junction of Hall Lane and Walker Lane, Sutton-Lane-Ends Macclesfield SK11 0DZ. Free/no booking. Details: Tina Hanak at swifts@macclesfieldrspb.org.uk .
Tuesday 2 July: Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands
Solihull RSPB Group has a Swift Walk starting at 8 pm from the Shirley Centre on Stratford Road, checking out local colonies and Swift boxes. Free but donations welcome. For details: https://group.rspb.org.uk/solihull/about-us/
Tuesday 2 July: Hertford, Hertfordshire
A swift walk starting at 7.30 in Bengeo. Meet at Holy Trinity Church, SG14 3JJ. Details Clive Fleming: hertfordswifts@gmail.com . M: 07954 727133. Free, no booking required.
Tuesday 2 July: Wilton, Wiltshire
Evening Swift Walk and Talk 8–9.30pm. Meet outside The Greyhound Inn in the Market Place. No booking required. Suggested donation £5.
Tuesday 2 July: Bedford
A free talk about Swifts and Swift art by Bedfordshire Swifts and the RSPB at The Higgins (Museum & Gallery), Castle Lane, Bedford, MK40 3XD at 7.30pm. Followed by a walk outside to watch some Swifts. No booking required. https://www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk/Home.aspx
Tuesday 2 July: Kinoulton, Notts NG12 3EN
A free, open event to celebrate and watch the Swifts that nest in St. Luke’s Church run by The Vale of Belvoir Swift Group. 7 - 9.30pm. Further details: valeofbelvoirswifts@btinternet.com
Tuesday 2 July: Wilton, Wiltshire
Evening Swift Walk & Talk 8 - 9.30pm. Meet outside The Greyhound Inn in the Market Place. No booking required. Suggested donation £5. Website Contact dankron@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Spondon, Derby, Derbyshire
An evening walk in the suburbs surveying swifts starting at 8pm and run by Derbyshire Swift Conservation. For details of where to meet and to book email: swifts@derbyshirewt.co.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Macclesfield, Cheshire
6 - 7.30pm. A free Swift Walk starting at St. Peter’s Church, Windmill Street, Macclesfield SK11 7HS. No booking required. Details: Tina Hanak at swifts@macclesfieldrspb.org.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Sawbridgeworth, East Hertfordshire
8pm. An evening swift walk. To book and for details contact sawbridgeworthswifts@gmail.com
Wednesday 3 July: Oxford, Oxfordshire
7.30 pm. Oxford City Swift Group will lead a walk taking in the Natural History Museum and the group’s Swift Tower in University Parks. To book email: OxfordSwiftCity@rspb.org.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Hertford, Hertfordshire
7.30pm. A Swift walk. Meet at Hertford East Station SG14 1SB. Details Clive Fleming: hertfordswifts@gmail.com. M: 07954 727133 . Free, no booking required.
Wednesday 3 July: Derby
An evening walk in the suburbs surveying Swifts, starting at 8pm and run by Derbyshire Swift Conservation. For further details and to book, email: Swifts@derbyshirewt.co.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Gledhow, Leeds
A Swift-watching evening run by Leeds Swifts starting at 7.30pm. Booking essential. Contact: leeds.Swifts@gmail.com
Wednesday 3 July: Highbury, London
A Swift walk 7.30 - 9pm. organised by Islington Swifts Group. Full details: islingtonswifts@gmail.com
Wednesday 3 July: 3 July Oakwood Park, N14
8 pm. Talk, walk and watch the Swifts in the local area by Barnet and Enfield Swifts Group. Meet at the Willow Walk entrance to the park. Contact for info helenshore@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Kingston, South West London
A talk and walk looking for Swifts. Meet 7.15pm at the bridge over the Hogsmill River at the playground in Knollmead Park, 4 Knollmead, Surbiton KT5 9QN. Book via wimbledonswifts@outlook.com or Eventbrite
Wednesday 3 July: Didsbury, Manchester
8-9.30pm - South Manchester Swifts host an evening swift walk along the River Mersey, exact meeting location to be revealed in May. Free but donations welcome. Book online
Wednesday 3 July: Worcester, Worcestershire
The Hive, Sawmill Walk, WR1 3PD. 7 - 8.30pm. Talks about Swifts by a panel of speakers including Dr. Johnny Birks. Details: What's on - The Hive
Thursday 4 July: Shaftesbury, Dorset
Shaftesbury Swifts is hosting an evening swift walk. A lovely way to watch these exhilarating birds in action, talk about their unique way of life and visit some of the town’s nest sites. Meet 19.30, outside Shaftesbury Abbey gates, Park Walk. SP7 8JR shaftesburyswifts@gmail.com
Thursday 4 July: Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
Bradford on Avon Swift Group have a stall at the town’s street market 8.30 am - 1 pm in the library car park. Further details: climatechampions@gmail.com
Thursday 4 July: Tonbridge, Kent
St Stephens Church, Waterloo Road, TN9. Martin Garwood of High Weald Swifts will lead a swift and house martin walk starting at 7pm. For details and to book online Email: trustees@highwealdswifts.co.uk
Thursday 4 July: Norwich. Norfolk
Norwich Swift Network have a walk in association with Norfolk Wildlife Trust local group. Meet at Waterloo Park, Norwich NR3 3HX 19.30 meet at car park, Free. Details: nswiftnetwork@gmail.com / 07887 517 060
Thursday 4 July: Downton, Wiltshire
An evening Swift Walk and Talk. 7.30–9pm. Meet outside Downton Church. Suggested donation £5. Find out more. Contact dankron@hotmail.co.uk
Thursday 4 July: Uffculme, Devon
7.30–9.30 pm. Coldharbour Mill, Uffculme, Devon. EX15 3EE. Meet at the mill car park to watch the mill’s large colony. No booking required. Bring a chair! Mill cafe open all evening. Email for more details: uffculmeSwifts@gmail.com
Thursday 4 July: Rowsley, Derbyshire
An evening Swift walk with some survey techniques training as well. Booking required. For more details email: Swifts@derbyshirewt.co.uk
Thursday 4 July: Wilbarston, Market Harborough
A Swift (and House Martin) Talk and Walk. Meet at The Fox Inn, Wilbarston, LE16 8QG at 7.30pm. For more details contact: Annie.dowling4@gmail.com or 07702 626 014
Thursday 4 July: Keswick Moot Hall
7.30pm. A free Swift walk to view a large colony nearby. No booking required. Further details from Dave Piercy: daveandkathypiercy@btinternet.com or 07484 230 362
Thursday 4 July: Hathersage, Derbyshire.
8pm to 9.30pm. Come to the junction of Roslyn Crescent and Roslyn Road (between Back Lane and the Bowling Green) to watch the nesting Swifts and hopefully watch a nest web cam as well. Free no booking. Further details: carolwcollins61@gmail.com
Thursday 4 July: Church Stretton, Shropshire
There will be a stall in Church Stretton town square (SY6) between 9 am and 2pm with information about Swifts, House Martins and Swallows. More details: grahamandjuliecowley@gmail.com M. 07580159183
Thursday 4 July: Hertford, Hertfordshire
North Road and Sele. A swift walk. Meet 7.30 at Hertford North Station SG14 1NB. Details Clive Fleming: hertfordswifts@gmail.com M: 07954 727133. Free, no booking required.
Friday 5 July: Hertford, Hertfordshire
A Swift walk in the Town Centre . Meet at St Andrews Church SG14 1NB at 7.30pm. Details Clive Fleming: hertfordswifts@gmail.com M: 07954 727133. Free, no booking required.
Friday 5 July: Lowgill, Cumbria
Sedbergh Community Swifts will host a morning of ‘Panoramic Swift watching’ at our Swift colony at Lowgill, Cumbria, LA8 0BN. Camera viewing from within nest sites as well. Booking essential. Contact: ta.hoare@binternet.com (Additional dates/times may be possible according to demand.)
Friday 5 July: Duffield, Derbyshire
Duffield Save our Swifts have an evening walk looking at Swifts. 7.30pm. To book, email sosduffield@gmail.com
Friday 5 July: Shipston, Warwickshire
Shipston Action for Swifts are hosting an evening Swift walk 7.30–9.30pm. Booking essential: Swifts@2jays.co.uk or 01608 661288. Free, but donations welcome.
Friday 5 July: Gledhow, Leeds
A Swift-watching evening starting at 7.30pm run by Leeds Swifts. Booking essential: leeds.Swifts@gmail.com
Friday 5 July: Maida Vale.
7.30 - 9pm, a free walk to watch Swifts run by Brent & Westminster Swifts Group. Full details: brentandwestminsterswifts@gmail.com
Saturday 6 July: Downham Market
Downham Market Town Square, Bridge Street PE38 9DW. 9am –4pm. See the new Swift tower installation and learn about Swifts. Downham Wildlife Group. Details: downhamwildlife@gmail.com / 07395 100418
Saturday 6 July: Bradwell Derbyshire
A stall outside the Post Office at Netherside, Bradwell, S33 9AA between 9.30 –11.30am run by Bradwell Swifts Group. More details: bradwellswiftreports@gmail.com
Saturday 6 July: Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire
10am –12.30pm. A drop-in coffee morning for Swift Watch Live. St Vigor’s Church, Manor Walk, Fulbourn, CB21 5BN. Free. Further details: fulbournSwifts@gmail.com
Saturday 6 July: Hutton in the Forest, Penrith
Penrith Swift Group will have a Swift stall at the Skelton Show, Old Park, Hutton in the Forest, Penrith. Details: Skelton Show - A great family day out in a picturesque location
Saturday 6 July: Southsea, Hants
An exhibition by Hampshire Swifts at Cumberland House Natural History Museum, PO4 9RF. Open all week but trustees of the group will be there 10 - 4pm on 6th to answer questions about Swifts.
Further details: info@hampshireswifts.co.uk / 07713 254 901. Website: https://www.hampshireswifts.co.uk/about
Saturday 6 July: Melbourne, Derbyshire
An evening Swift walk around the town starting at the Market Place at 7.30pm. Details: richard.winspear@rspb.org.uk
Saturday 6 July: Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
The Bradford on Avon Swift Group have a Swift walk starting at 8pm. Meet Westbury Gardens, Bradford on Avon. Free but booking essential via climatechampions@gmail.com
Saturday 6 July: Kendal, Cumbria
Kendal Swifts will have a swift stand at The Bird Cage in Kendal Town Centre on 6th July from 10am to 3pm. Further details: kendalswifts@outlook.com
Saturday 6 July: Tunbridge Wells, Kent
High Weald Swifts will have a swift stall at the Pantiles Market, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Find out more Email: trustees@highwealdswifts.co.uk
Saturday 6 July: Bridport, Dorset
Flocks & Flicker Books with illustrator & educator Rowan Beecham Fly, dream, imagine... Ink Swifts into flicker books & migrate with them through the pages; craft flying flocks from recycled fabrics & watch them breathe in the wind. Free & open to all. 11am−1pm. WI Hall. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Saturday 6 July: Bridport, Dorset
Stand up for Swifts! with artist, writer & activist Kim Squirrell. Get the Swift Town message out there! A fun, family design & make workshop creating posters & placards to inform, inspire & declare our Swift Town message. Free & open to all. 2pm−4pm. WI Hall. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Saturday 6 July: Bridport, Dorset
Swiftwalking with the RSPB’s Luke Phillips. Why have Swifts returned to Bridport for 100s of years? What is it about the townʼs architecture & nearby green spaces that makes it a good place for Swifts to be? Letʼs swiftwalk together & find out! Free & open to all. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk6pm−8pm from The Arts Centre.
Sunday 7 July: Shipston
Action for Swifts: 3-30–4.30pm. Free activities for children. Learn to tell Swifts from Swallows and martins, followed by a walk to watch House Martins. Booking essential: Swifts@2jays.co.uk or 01608 661288
Sunday 7 July: Iford, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
Bradford on Avon Swift Group have a stall at Iford Nature Day 11 - 4 at Iford Manor. Further details: climatechampions@gmail.com
Sunday 7 July: North Woodchester, Gloucestershire
2-5pm. A stall on St Mary's Church Green run by Stroud Swift Group as part of Woodchester Open Gardens. Details: stroudswiftgroup@gmail.com
Wednesday 3 July: Lagan Valley Hospital
7.30pm-9.30pm. Swifts still nest in the old Workhouse buildings at Lagan Valley Hospital, built in 1841, and this year join the RSPB Lisburn Local Group to celebrate Swift Awareness Week by spending an evening with the Swifts there. Details and booking link here Swift Watch & Walk - July 3rd 7.30pm - Lisburn Local Group (rspb.org.uk)
Sunday 30 June: Kinnesswood, Perth and Kinross
8.30pm to 10.30pm. Kinnesswood Swift Walk & Survey Training Session - Swift Guided Walk & Survey Training Session (Portmoak) Details: Tayside Biodiversity - Swift Saunter
Sunday 30 June: National Trust for Scotland Haddo House Country Park,
Methlick, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 7EQ.
Haddo Swift Swallow & Martin Day, 10.30 - 4pm organised by Huntly Swift Group. For more info call 07411 808 573 Free/no booking required.
Wednesday 3 July: Huntly, Aberdeenshire.
A Swift Walk and Talk by Huntly Swifts between 8–9.30 pm. Meet outside Orbs Bookshop. Booking essential: huntlySwiftgroup@gmail.com or 07411 808 573. Free, but a £5 donation is welcome.
Sunday 7 July: National Trust for Scotland Fyvie Castle
Turriff, Aberdeenshire AB53 8JS. 10.30 - 3.30pm. Fyvie Swift Day: stall and swift watching organised by Huntly Swift Group. For more info call 07411 808 573 Free/no booking required.
Friday 28 June: Lake Vyrnwy, Powys
Swift Awareness Walk. Swifts are special little birds, spending most of their lives in the air, only landing to nest and able to reach an impressive 70mph! The Swift is now classified as a Red-listed species, which means it is rapidly in decline and at risk of extinction in the UK, but there are things we can do to help! Come along to our Swift Walk at Lake Vyrnwy to learn about how we can all take action to save Swifts, how to identify Swifts in flight, help survey to get an idea of population size and where they nest, and immerse yourself in the sound of summer, the Swift call! RSPB Lake Vyrnwy, B493, Powys SY10 0LZ 6.30pm–8pm. Free. Email to book: vibrantvyrnwy@rspb.org.uk
Saturday 29 June: Penmachno, N. Wales
A Welsh medium, family/community swift event, Check the North Wales Wildlife Trust website events page for details.
Saturday 29 June: Chirk, Wrexham County Borough
Chirk Aqueduct is home to an incredible colony of Swifts - around 25 nesting pairs return to the structure every year making it a really special site. Join Chirk Swifts and House Martins beneath Chirk Aqueduct from 8pm Saturday June 29th and Saturday July 6th for two special Swift Awareness Week Swift Watch events. Enjoy their thrilling screaming fly-bys with their calls echoing through the arches and watch closely to see them zipping in and out of their nests. Bring binoculars and cameras if you have them. Dogs welcome on leads (sheep and lambs in the field). More information: www.chirkswiftsandhousemartins.com. Or contact us on 07846 853964.
Saturday 29 June – Sunday 7 July: Chirk, Wrexham County BoroughTo celebrate our incredible Swifts and to mark Swift Awareness Week, there will be a Swift themed art exhibition at Caffi Wylfa, Chirk, between the 29th of June and 7th of July. A wonderful mix of mediums and skills, come and see this inspiring community art project, learn more about Swifts whilst enjoying a treat from the cafe's menu. www.chirkswiftsandhousemartins.com.
Tuesday 2 July: Menai Bridge Swift Walk, Meet at 8pm at Waun Car Park, Menai Bridge, LL59 5EF.
A chance to join Ben Stammers of North Wales Wildlife Trust, watch the evening antics of these amazing birds, and see some of the work that’s been done locally to try and help them. Watch swifts around a successful nest-box colony, including hopefully ‘inside-and-out’ monitoring of 2 nest-camera boxes. Book your place: ben.stammers@northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk
Tuesday 2 July: Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire.
Swifts Soirée 4 - 6pm. Talk and Children's Art Competition Prize-Giving by the Mayor at Compton's Yard Charitable Trust courtyard garden behind The Wild Oak Cafe in Great Oak Street. No booking required, refreshments, suggested donation £3. Survey walk afterwards for those interested. Organiser Gwenoliaid Duon, Llanidloes Swifts. Contact llanidloesswifts@gmail.com
Wednesday 3 July: Bethesda Swift Walk, Meet at 8pm Llys Dafydd, Bethesda High St, LL57 3AN
A chance to join Ben Stammers of North Wales Wildlife Trust, watch the evening antics of these amazing birds, and see some of the work that’s been done locally to try and help them. Book your place: ben.stammers@northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk
Wednesday 3 July: Chirk, Wrexham County Borough. Join Chirk Swifts and House Martins for a short walk around Chirk and discover the Swifts that call the town their summer home. Meet us at 7pm on July 3rd in front of St Mary's church where there is a nesting pair in the tower, then enjoy a leisurely stroll whilst learning more about Swifts, their life, their decline and how we can safeguard their future. Hopefully we can record a few active nests on the way, too! www.chirkswiftsandhousemartins.com. chirkswifts@outlook.com. 07846 853964.
Friday 5 July: Holyhead, N. Wales
A Swift Walk 8 -10pm meeting at Ucheldre Art Centre, Holyhead LL65 1TE. £3. Booking essential. Further details: https://www.northwaleswildlifetrust.org.uk/events/2024-07-05-holyhead-swift-walk
Friday 5 July: Llanyblodwel, Shropshire
8pm. ‘Swifts & Us, the Life of the Bird that Sleeps in the Sky’ - a free talk and book signing by author Sarah Gibson. In St Michael's Church, Llanyblodwel SY10 8NQ. All welcome no booking required.
Saturday 6 July: Chirk, Wrexham County Borough. Chirk Aqueduct is home to an incredible colony of Swifts - around 25 nesting pairs return to the structure every year making it a really special site. Join Chirk Swifts and House Martins beneath Chirk Aqueduct from 8pm Saturday June 29th and Saturday July 6th for two special Swift Awareness Week Swift Watch events. Enjoy their thrilling screaming fly-bys with their calls echoing through the arches and watch closely to see them zipping in and out of their nests. Bring binoculars and cameras if you have them. Dogs welcome on leads (sheep and lambs in the field). Contact Chirk Swifts and House Martins for more information. www.chirkswiftsandhousemartins.com. chirkswifts@outlook.com / 07846 853964
Tuesday 9 July: Bridport, Dorset
Swiftwalking with the RSPB’s Luke Phillips. Why have Swifts returned to Bridport for 100s of years? What is it about the townʼs architecture & nearby green spaces that makes it a good place for Swifts to be? Letʼs swiftwalk together & find out! Free & open to all. 6pm−8pm from The Arts Centre. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Monday 8 July: Norwich, Norfolk. Meet at Eagle Park, Norwich, NR2 2HH
Norwich Swift Network have a walk in association with Norfolk Wildlife Trust local group. Start 19.30 meet in the park play area. Free. Details: nswiftnetwork@gmail.com / 07887517060
Saturday 13 July: Kendal, Cumbria, Fellside Centre, Low Fellside, Kendal LA9 4NH. A guided walk around the swift hotspots of Kendal. Further details: kendalswifts@outlook.com
Monday 15 July: Bridport, Dorset
Swift Dance and Movement with dancer Anna Golding of Fingerprint Dance An inclusive & creative dance & movement session inspired by the flight of Bridportʼs swifts, accompanied with live music by Andrew Dickson. Free & open to all. 11am−12.30pm. Millennium Green. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Sunday 21 July: Norwich, Norfolk. Meet at St Alban's Church, Grove Walk, Norwich, NR1 2QF
Norwich Swift Network will monitor Swifts with a walk & talk in association with Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society, Start 19.30. Free. Details: nswiftnetwork@gmail.com / 07887517060
Tuesday 23 July: Bridport, Dorset
Swiftwalking with the RSPB’s Luke Phillips. Why have Swifts returned to Bridport for 100s of years? What is it about the townʼs architecture & nearby green spaces that makes it a good place for Swifts to be? Letʼs swiftwalk together & find out! Free & open to all. 6pm−8pm from The Arts Centre. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Thursday 25 July: Caistor, Lincolnshire. Caister Arts & Heritage Centre
Caistor Swift Group will hold a talk and walk event starting at 7.30 pm. Booking essential, contact ailsa.wish@gmail.com
Wednesday 31 July: Bridport, Dorset
Swift Town Tales with folklorist & storyteller Martin Maudsley. Who is King of the Birds? How did Swallow get her Tail? Why do Swifts fly so high? Hear a flock of folktales to highlight the diversity of birds in Bridport, & help us create a new bird story for Bridport Swift Town. Free & open to all. 2PM. Bridport Community Orchard. Contact: swiftmail@commonground.org.uk
Often seen flying high overhead like a fast-flying dark crescent moon. Its wings are long and narrow, and it has a short, forked tail. Find out more about these amazing aerial birds below.