Northern Ireland
See what we're asking politicians in Northern Ireland to commit to.

On this page
- Nature is in crisis, and time’s running out for politicians to protect and restore it.
- Farmland bird species have decreased by 43% since 1996.
- The number of Red-listed bird species has tripled since 1999.
- 21 seabird species are under threat.
- The devastating pollution at Lough Neagh has not been prioritised by government.
Nature is in crisis, and time’s running out for politicians to protect and restore it.
There are clear solutions that will give nature a chance to recover.
They’ll help us breathe clean air, drink clean water, swim in clean rivers, and hear the sound of birdsong in the morning.
It would mean a healthy natural environment, healthy people, healthy economy and healthy everything: for us, and future generations.
Nature can't wait.
Farmland bird species have decreased by 43% since 1996.
Ensure better funding for nature-friendly farming.

The number of Red-listed bird species has tripled since 1999.
Create an Environment Strategy to reverse these wildlife declines.

21 seabird species are under threat.
Produce a plan to save our seabirds.

The devastating pollution at Lough Neagh has not been prioritised by government.
Demand an emergency response to the ecological crisis at Lough Neagh.

Share these handy infographics on your social media and tell politicians to act now.