Portmore Lough
Ballinderry Lower/Lower BallinderryClosed | Opens 9:00 amSee opening timesDiscover this family-friendly, quiet retreat, teeming with seasonal wildlife spectacles. There are butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies in summer, and Greylag Geese, Whooper Swans and large flocks of ducks in winter.
⚠︎Due to the severe weather alerts in operation, the reserve will be closed until further notice⚠︎
This lowland, wet-grassland reserve boasts stunning open views across the Lough, backdropped by the wider landscape. Open water meets reedbed and fen before flooding out onto wet grassland at Portmore. This mosaic of wetland habitats provides perfect opportunities for breeding Lapwing, Snipe, Redshank, Irish Hare and Irish Lady's-tresses Orchids.
In spring, Lapwings can be seen displaying over the wet grassland, whilst Skylarks sing from high overhead. Butterflies and dragonflies dart along the path to the hide, and Ragged-robin and loosestrifes adorn the meadows in summer. The raucous noise of the Common Tern colony can be heard from the lough, as the Terns busy themselves raising their young on the nesting rafts.
Autumn brings lots of wildfowl, as Coots, Pochards and Tufted Ducks gather in large rafts on the lough. Raptors, including Marsh and Hen Harrier can often be seen hunting over the reedbed at this time of year. Whooper Swans and Greylag Geese arrive from Iceland in October to overwinter at the reserve until April. In late winter, huge swirling flocks of Lapwing and Golden Plover fly over the flooded meadows, a wonderful spectacle on a cold winter’s day.
At a glance
Baby Changing
Contact Portmore Lough
Laura.Smith@rspb.org.uk Portmore Lough Nature Reserve, George's Island Rd Gawley's Gate, Co., Antrim, BT67 0DW 028 9265 1936